Millefeuille - nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely


31. Januar 2010


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Bei Sunday Postcard Art ist Phrenologie das Thema der Woche. Die Karte stammt mal wieder vom letzten ISDI. Vorgegeben war der Panikknopf von Katja. Ich habe ewig darüber gegrübelt und letztlich die Chance genutzt auch endlich mal etwas mit den Phrenologenköpfen zu machen, die schon ewig bei mir rumlagen und zu denen mir bis dahin auch noch nicht wirklich etwas eingefallen war.

ISDI-Katja-Panic Button

Phrenonolgy is this week’s challenge at Sunday Postcard Art. This card is one from the last ISYI-project, again. I had do work around the panic-button-stamp. It took me ages to have an idea for this and in the end I took the chance and finally made first use of the phrenology-heads which have been lying around here for ages.

  1. Boah wow fantastisch.
    Klasse gewerkelt Svenja.

    by Sandy — 31. Januar 2010 @ 11:53
  2. Nice card.Well done.

    by Bettie — 31. Januar 2010 @ 11:57
  3. Marvelous use of the „panic button“ stamp AND the phrenology heads. This has been such a fun challenge, and your card is a great addition.

    by bev — 31. Januar 2010 @ 12:06
  4. Absolutely gorgeous

    by Hermine — 31. Januar 2010 @ 12:11
  5. KLASSE umsetzung zu DIESEM thema!!! der panik-knopf ist echt cool (an dieser stelle) … *lach*

    by katrin — 31. Januar 2010 @ 12:21
  6. Brilliant,love the panic button!!

    by peppapig — 31. Januar 2010 @ 14:30
  7. Großartige Kreation, Svenja! Gefällt mir sehr gut.

    by Martina — 31. Januar 2010 @ 15:17
  8. Just Brilliant! love the panic button stamp.

    by yasmindeboo — 31. Januar 2010 @ 16:51
  9. super, svenja!! aber unsere „odd“-areale sind noch etwas größer, würde ich sagen;)

    by johanna — 31. Januar 2010 @ 16:56
  10. Stunning!

    by Hella — 31. Januar 2010 @ 16:57
  11. I love this!

    by Jan — 31. Januar 2010 @ 18:05
  12. Excellent postcard – wonderful design!

    by Lori Saul — 31. Januar 2010 @ 19:18
  13. What a great idea. Brilliant!

    by Jackie — 31. Januar 2010 @ 23:19
  14. Great card! I love the way you used both views, and also how they are separate, but tied together with the words and border – a beautiful composition! And black and white and red is one of my favourite colour combos too, so I’m a big fan of this card!

    Cindy 🙂

    by Cindy McMath — 1. Februar 2010 @ 03:53
  15. Brilliant art, Svenja!

    by Judy — 1. Februar 2010 @ 04:05
  16. Fantastic collage and very clear, a great job!!

    by Marleen — 1. Februar 2010 @ 14:56
  17. These are great – I think those areas of my brain do get bigger at times.

    by Michelle — 2. Februar 2010 @ 02:41

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