Millefeuille - nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely


3. August 2018


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Es ist ein neuer Monat und damit schon wieder einmal Zeit für ein inspirierendes Foto von den Daring Cardmakers… Ich habe mich für die Farben, Zitronen und das Getränkethema entschieden: Cheers!

It’s a new month and thus yet again time for a inspirational picture from the Daring Cardmakers. I went for colours, lemons and the general theme of drinks: cheers!

Text translates: congrats – you made it

  1. Love the strip of colour over the black and white images, this looks great Svenja! Thanks for playing!

    by Angelnorth — 3. August 2018 @ 11:38
  2. Great card, love the design and the colours look so crisp

    by Kathy — 8. August 2018 @ 13:29
  3. Fabulous card, great design and stamped images.

    Sylv xx

    by Sylv — 8. August 2018 @ 21:27

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