Millefeuille - nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely


13. Januar 2010

„Mit Ihnen teilt meine Ente das Wasser nicht!“

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Bei den drei Musen ist „Wasser“ das Thema der Woche. Ich habe gerade neulich für einen Swap auf gibgummi Loriot-ATCs gemacht und finde, dass diese hier prima zum Thema passt.

Loriot - Badetag

The three muses have challenged us to do something about „water“ this week and I thougt that this ATC matches the subject. I don’t have to explain this to german readers as I think everybody knows Loriot’s famous cartoon about „Gentleman in the Bath“ – two men  (Herr Müller-Lüdenscheid und Herr Doktor Klöbener) in a hotel bathtub arguing about who’s room/bathroom it is, what temperature the water should be, who can hold his breath longer under water and that the one’s rubberduck is not going to „share the water“ with the other one. The discussion is eventually ended by a third gentleman coming in, also in search for his room – the one shown on this ATC.

  1. Großartig!! :0)

    by rein — 13. Januar 2010 @ 19:46
  2. Ich schmeiß mich wech.
    Wie genial ist das denn ???
    Ein Brüller. Herrlich.

    by Sandy — 13. Januar 2010 @ 19:59
  3. FUN!!! great , love it!!

    by femmy — 13. Januar 2010 @ 19:59
  4. Absolute Oberklasse!Ich liebe diesen Loriot-Klassiker.

    by Gabi MeWi — 13. Januar 2010 @ 21:13
  5. Awesome, you made me smile

    by Hermine — 13. Januar 2010 @ 21:46
  6. Thank you for a good laugh, this is hilarious.

    by taluula — 13. Januar 2010 @ 22:40
  7. I’m smiling–this is great!!

    by Diane — 13. Januar 2010 @ 23:49
  8. I thought he was wondering how he would fit in that tub with his rubber duckie! This is SO funny. Thank you for the smiles!

    by bev — 13. Januar 2010 @ 23:58
  9. This is real fun!

    by Willy — 14. Januar 2010 @ 01:43
  10. klasssssse!! und die ente, ich krieg mich nicht mehr!!

    by johanna — 14. Januar 2010 @ 19:49
  11. Great ATC – it made me smile!

    by Jackie — 14. Januar 2010 @ 20:27
  12. This one gave me a good chuckle!

    by Yvonne — 14. Januar 2010 @ 21:16
  13. Genial! Toller Hintergrund! Normalerweise bin ich nicht so der Loriot Fan, aber Du bringst mich echt zum Lachen;))
    Alles Liebe, Manuela

    by manus — 14. Januar 2010 @ 21:47
  14. What a laugh, great idea to use a cartoon character!

    by Judy — 14. Januar 2010 @ 22:16
  15. hehehe…this is too funny. Great card. This is the first time I have played this challenge and the artwork is awesome.

    by debby — 15. Januar 2010 @ 05:19
  16. Great!

    by Janny — 17. Januar 2010 @ 15:11
  17. Great fun! Really creative – lolol!! =D

    by Rosie — 17. Januar 2010 @ 17:40
  18. Svenja, this is so funny, so priceless! I loved the story about the two gentlemen arguing over the bath – and whether or not their rubber duckies can share the space. Thankyou so much for making my day brighter. Sorry my comment is late this week. Cheers from Marie (Ozstuff).

    by Marie — 19. Januar 2010 @ 05:14

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