Millefeuille - nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely

Challenges,mein Leben & ich,Stempel

17. Mai 2019

Embrace imperfection


Heute sind bei den Daring Cardmakers die Buchstaben des Wortes „may“ (für den Monat Mai) im Fokus. Gar nicht einfach, sage ich euch!

This week’s challenge at the Daring Cardmakers‘ is to make a card the features elements starting with the same letters as the word „may“

Meine Buchstaben sind / my letters are

M – mandala (+ massive headache that the challenge gave me)

A – aqua, azur, adho mukha svanasana

Y – yellow, yoga

  1. I’m just a little bit sorry for the stress I caused Svenja – but not a lot as everyone rose so magnificently to the challenge!
    I’m so impressed at you getting the Yoga element in there – you are so clever!

    by Kathy — 18. Mai 2019 @ 13:57

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